

Ontohub (Ontology Hub) is an application that allows to use different knowledge representations and merge it into one.

View the Project on GitHub MatPiw/OntoHub

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OntoHub v1.0.0

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Ontohub (Ontology Hub) is an application that allows to use different knowledge representations (ontologies, thesauri, wordnets) in various formats and operate on them to create new representations of domain or expert knowledge. Starting from choosing various input ontologies, operating on synsets and relations between them, leading to create a brand new knowledge representation.

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OntoHub is easily-extensible. Simple implementation of few interfaces allows to add a new Input or Output knowledge representation format. Intuitive and simple interface along with a view that can show two ontologies and result ontology at the same time makes work with the application more enjoyable.


Formats supported

Ontohub is currently in an early phase and does not support many formats yet. For the sake of example, OntoHub currently supports following formats:

Input formats

Output formats


If you want some feature to be implemented, raise an issue or create a pull request to review. Feel free to submit ideas and help OntoHub to grow.


Version 1.0.0 of OntoHub can be downloaded here. See also the releases to keep up to date with latest versions.